Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Welcome to Prestige Orthodontics, where we believe that a straight, healthy smile is achievable at any age. With convenient locations in La Verne and Diamond Bar, California, our adult orthodontic services are designed to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted, comfortably and discreetly.

What are Adult Orthodontic Services?

Adult orthodontic treatment involves straightening and aligning the teeth and bite using various techniques, such as braces or clear aligners. Whether you missed out on orthodontic treatment as a child or have experienced orthodontic relapse over time, our adult orthodontic services can help you achieve a confident, beautiful smile.



How Can it Help?

  1. Improved Confidence: A straight, healthy smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to smile freely and feel more comfortable in social and professional settings.

  2. Better Oral Health: Straighter teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and jaw problems.

  3. Enhanced Appearance: Orthodontic treatment can improve the overall appearance of your face by correcting issues such as overcrowding, spacing, or misaligned bites.

  4. Comfort and Convenience: With advances in orthodontic technology, adult treatment options are more comfortable and convenient than ever before, allowing you to straighten your smile without disrupting your lifestyle.

adult orthodontic services

Why Choose Prestige Orthodontics?

  1. Expertise: Our orthodontists are highly skilled and experienced in providing adult orthodontic treatment, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we tailor our treatment plans to meet your specific needs and goals.
  3. Discreet Options: We offer a range of discreet orthodontic options, including clear aligners, ceramic braces, and lingual braces, so you can straighten your smile without drawing attention to your treatment.


Ready to Transform Your Smile?

Schedule a consultation with Prestige Orthodontics today to learn more about our adult orthodontic services. Let us help you achieve the straight, healthy smile you deserve and unlock a newfound confidence in your appearance.



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